
Janet Bullard

Founder, Proactive Health Advisors

Janet Bullard is a local Calgarian who has witnessed the tremendous growth of this city and its aging population over the last 45 years. As a nurse she has seen the impact of modern medical advancements on how we age, and how we live and die. Janet was drawn into Palliative Care in 1984 when the roots of this specialty area were just beginning. She found that most people were both ill-prepared and uncomfortable talking about advancing illness and death. Over time she has found that people are better at voicing their thoughts on Quality of Life, but not necessarily in following through with the meaningful conversations and actual planning that is required. Janet Graduated from the University of Calgary with her Bachelor in Nursing in 1982 and her Masters in Nursing in 2004. Her Graduate focus was on the needs, supports and decision making guidance for families as they dealt with acute and chronic longer term illness before dying, a 180 degree change since 1900. Janet sat on the Advisory Committee on Advance Care Planning and End of Life from its inception in 2005 until 2008 when she left Alberta Health Services. Janet implemented one of the primary pilot projects to roll out the ACP Initiative in her area of Program Development with the Southern Alberta Renal Program (SARP). In 2008, Janet left Alberta Health Services after 25 years and began her entrepreneurial journey with her company Proactive Health Care Advisors. Her goal is to provide personalized support and guidance for in-depth and comprehensive planning with a focus on the area of Health Care Decision Making that empowers individuals and families. Her services can support and guide families in a proactive manner, in the early stages of illness or in more advanced stages with greater complexity in decision-making and planning needs. Janet currently works in a casual capacity at a Palliative Care Consultant with AHS with the Palliative Consultation Team in the acute care sites, Assisted Living/Long Term Care, community and also in the Hospice Operations Management area. As a wife and mother of blended family of 8 children, with 2 aging parents, Janet lives and learns along with her client families. She balances her busy life with golf, walking her dog and making jewelry.

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