Updated 04.02.24



Within the framework of the TIGER 21 Group Visit program (see below), TIGER 21 encourages Members to visit Groups other than their own. Through cross-pollination, Members, the Group visited, and TIGER 21 as a whole can advance our Learn, Access, Connect mission.

In the typical Group Meeting, there is room for one visiting Member per Meeting. Prior approval from the Chair of the Group to be visited is required due to 1) limitations on the size of the Meeting and/or 2) concerns over confidentiality or conflicts of interest with a visiting Member and a Member in the Group to be visited.

During visits, Members should keep the underlying purpose of Learn, Access, Connect in mind and agree not to sell or solicit unless explicitly approved by the host Chair, with the consent of all host Group Members. Violations of the non-solicitation policy by visiting Members will result in the loss of visiting privileges for the remainder of their Membership period. It also may result in the termination of Membership.

In order to increase the chance that all Members have the opportunity to experience another Group, Members may make a maximum of 10 visits to other Groups during their 12-month Membership period. Additionally, no Member may visit the same Group more than twice in their 12-month Membership period. This policy ensures that an open seat is not dominated by any one visitor, allowing other Members to benefit from their time visiting other Groups.

Policy Details 

To initiate a Group visit, the visiting Member should first reach out to the Chair of the Group to be visited to request attendance at an upcoming Meeting.

In many cases, TIGER 21 Groups receive more than one request to visit, often exceeding the capacity of the room and/or the targeted size of 15 participants. Members who wish to attend the Meeting should submit their request 30 days before the Meeting date, so Chairs can complete their Meeting roster, consult with the Member presenting their Defense about the visiting Member’s participation, and distribute Meeting materials. This cadence enables visiting Members to get the most out of their time with the Group, and vice versa.

Visiting a Group can be initiated in two ways:

  1. T21 Connect
    • All Group meetings are listed under Events > Group Meetings.
    • Find the Group Meeting you would like to attend and click the “request to attend” button. Select whether you want to attend the entire Meeting or just the presenter portion. Hit “submit” to send a request to the Chair to facilitate your request to visit.
  2. TIGER 21 Membership Experience Advisor
    • Members can email their Membership Experience Advisor at membership@tiger21.com with details such as City, Group, Chair, Dates of requested visit, and any other relevant information.

Good to Know

  • The Chair and/or the Membership staff will inform you via email if you are confirmed to attend the Meeting or if the request cannot be met.
  • Typically, the Chair of the Group to be visited will reach out to you once the visit has been confirmed to discuss the upcoming Meeting, learn more about your reasons for visiting, and share any specific aspects of the Meeting—all in an effort to help the Meeting provide value to all participants.
  • Participating in the Defense segment during a visit will be at the discretion of the Member presenting the Defense, in consultation with the Chair.
  • If a Bridge Member attends a Group Meeting outside their home Group, it will count toward the limit of attending five Group Meetings during the 12-month Membership period.
  • Visitors other than TIGER 21 Members, candidates for Membership, and TIGER 21 staff will only be allowed based on their qualifications, as determined by the Chair and the TIGER 21 Senior Staff.
  • Zoom participation is reserved for Members within their own Group, at the Chair’s discretion. This allows TIGER 21 Group Meetings to maintain the intimacy and trust that’s key to their success. In rare cases of virtual participation by a visiting Member, the same guidelines as in-person participation apply.