Given the scale of the network, we are positioned to leverage the influence and purchasing power of TIGER 21 through partnerships to provide direct benefits in areas of Member importance such as insurance, financial services, hospitality, and more.

Through TIGER 21 Networks, Members connect on 
topics of common interest like Philanthropy, Climate Investing, Wine & Spirits, and many more. Network events include virtual roundtables and thought leadership presentations for the entire Member community.

With an expanding range of trips and events, Members have many opportunities to connect in person throughout the year. In addition to existing events, new or reengineered programs bring Members to emerging markets and iconic locales around the world.

Expansive learning opportunities give TIGER 21 Members access to expert insights from global thought leaders at the top of their field. These events include TIGER Talk presentations, virtual Member Meetups, a post-liquidity event program, and more.

Beyond the local Group Meeting, TIGER 21 is increasingly leveraging Chapter Activities in markets with multiple TIGER 21 Groups.

During Monthly Meetings with your local Group, your trusted board of advisors, you’ll navigate the future together by discussing topics that matter to you – investment opportunities, wealth preservation, family dynamics, the legacy you want to leave, and more.


Explore the TIGER 21 Member Experience Framework

Learn. Access. Connect.

While the core of the TIGER 21 experience centers on monthly Group Meetings, new and expanding offerings give Members access to the Global community through trips, virtual events, thought leader presentations, Network engagement, the T21 Connect App, and more.

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Trending Topics
Within Our Community

TIGER 21 groups offer you an objective, confidential space to share ideas and concerns with peers who understand the unique position UHNW individuals are in. Conversations often center around these topics, but are ultimately guided by Member interest.

Wealth preservation

Health & wellness

Investment opportunities

Life after an exit

Tax strategies

Raising productive children

Legacy planning

Lifestyle & travel


The Monthly Group Meeting

TIGER 21’s intimate Group Meetings serve as a private advisory group where UHNW individuals can exchange knowledge and resources regarding investments, strategies, and trends with other Members. Your Group of 12-15 peers becomes your trusted board of advisors as you convene in monthly, day-long sessions. Each monthly Meeting is built around the following agenda:

Transformative Portfolio Defense

Through a confidential disclosure of your entire investment portfolio, you’ll gain insight into your assets, liabilities, income, and expenses through open and honest feedback from your trusted TIGER 21 Group Members. With these insights, you’ll build action plans to protect your wealth—and preserve it. A TIGER 21 exclusive.

Issues and Opportunities

Leverage the collective intelligence of your UHNW peer advisors to process your challenges, problems, and investment opportunities as a Group.

World Update

Get Group input on world events, economic trends, and personal issues that might affect your investment decisions.

Subject-Matter Experts

Hear from thought leaders and discuss new concepts through a learning agenda based on your Group’s interests.

More Groups for your Needs

Each Member has their own reason for joining TIGER 21 and is able to choose their Group experience to maximize their needs and goals.

Local Groups

Meet in person monthly with a local ultra-high-net-worth advisory Group of up to 15 Members – your own personal board of directors. Meetings are led and facilitated by a Chair who personally develops the Group and drives peer-to-peer sharing in a confidential setting.

Family Office Groups

Family Office Groups are for those with needs related to managing or creating a Single Family Office. Members address the unique considerations specific to a Family Office while enjoying access to a global community of accomplished UHNW peer advisors.

Virtual Groups

Led by a seasoned Chair with expertise in online facilitation, TIGER 21 Global Groups offer a virtual Member experience perfect for frequent travelers, those located in a city with no local Group, or those seeking geographically diverse perspectives.

Exclusive Member Experiences

TIGER 21 Membership allows you to tap into the TIGER 21 global community of wealth creators throughout the year, both virtually and in person. Highlights include:

Connect with the Entire Membership at Global Exchange

Global Exchange, our can’t-miss, once-a-year conference, brings the entire TIGER 21 community together in one location. You’ll learn alongside other Members and their families, form new friendships, and hear from notable leaders and experts who will help you plan for what lies ahead.

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Interest-Based Networks

Outside of monthly Group Meetings, Chapter Activities and events, our Investment and Lifestyle Networks are designed to connect Members with common interests or expertise.

Networks include:

  • Venture Capital
  • Climate Investing
  • Women of TIGER 21
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Explore New Markets

Meet up with Members in different global markets to learn what makes them tick, hear from local luminaries, and discover
investment opportunities.

  • London Summit
  • Women of TIGER 21
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Gather Socially

Catch up with fellow Members in first-class settings around the world, such as the Hamptons, Miami, Tel Aviv, Zurich, and London.

  • Summer Soiree in the Hamptons
  • Art Basel Miami
  • Annual Ski Trip
  • Women of TIGER 21
  • Annual Retreat
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Meet Up Virtually

Hear from experts, connect through speed-networking sessions, and chat with Members who share your interests—
from wherever you are.

  • TIGER Talks
  • Member Meetups
  • T21 Connect Network
  • Roundtables
  • Women of TIGER
  • Fireside Chats
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Global Membership in Your Pocket

T21 Connect: Stay in Sync with the TIGER 21 Community

The T21 Connect App makes all the benefits of TIGER 21 Membership easily accessible, 24/7. Use the app on your phone or desktop to stay in touch with fellow Members, form new connections, securely chat with your Group, register for events, and more.

Exclusive Content
At its heart, TIGER 21 is a learning community, and T21 Connect features a Learn section where you’ll find recordings and videos of TIGER Talks and Global Exchange speakers, plus insights from Network events and thought leadership from UHNW peer advisory Members.
Secure Chat
Connect with any other Member globally and share secure messages. You’re always in complete control over your conversations.
Events Calendar
RSVP to upcoming Group Meetings, stay up to date on upcoming events, and choose the experiences you want to attend, all with a few taps.

A global network wherever you invest, travel, work, and play.

View Our Locations
  • 50 Cities Worldwide
  • 134 Groups
  • 1,550 + Members

When you’re blessed and you’re growing your world, it’s very difficult to talk to people about how much you have and what plans you have. But TIGER 21 offers a platform where you can openly share with people who are in the same position.

Sanjay Singhania

Discover If TIGER 21 Membership Is Right for You

Interested in becoming a TIGER 21 Member? Submit an inquiry below,
and one of our team members will be in touch to discuss next steps.
Submit an Inquiry Form

Get the Latest Member Asset Allocation Report

Our quarterly analysis highlights key portfolio shifts, with growing confidence in Public Equities and Real Estate alongside consistent focus on Private Equity and Fixed Income. Gain valuable insights into Members’ evolving investment strategies.

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