TIGER 21, the peer learning network for high net worth investors, has created another group, this time in Chicago, IL.The moves comes just a few a weeks after the organization announced a second group in Washington, DC.
Joining TIGER 21 to lead the Chicago group is Rick Harig, a financial industry professional and family wealth advisor. Hefounded Legacy Resources in 1994 after spending more than a decade in the securities industry.
“We anticipate a fast start for the Chicago group and that it will attract members from throughout the Midwest,” saidHarig.
Harig is planning to hold meetings in December and January, where individuals can find out more about TIGER 21. TheChicago group will likely start meeting in early 2014, once a majority of the 10-12 member slots for the initial group arefilled.
“For years, we have had several Chicago-area members who make the trip to New York for the monthly meetings.We expect that some of those members will take advantage of having a home town group,” said Jonathan Kempner,president of TIGER 21.
TIGER is also in expansion mode in Florida after unveiling a second group in Miami in September and currently preparingfor the launch of a third in Palm Beach next month. Click here to read an interview with Charles Garcia, chair of theFlorida group, about how he is looking to Latin America to deepen TIGER’s footprint in the Sunshine State.
About TIGERTIGER 21 has more than 220 members managing over $20 billion in total assets. In addition to several groups in NewYork, the organization also has a presence in Dallas, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, Palm Beach, FL, San Diego, CA, SanFrancisco, CA, Seattle, WA, Tysons Corner, VA, and Washington, DC, as well as Canadian groups in Toronto, Montreal,Calgary and Vancouver.
Members are typically entrepreneurs, chief executives, inventors and other senior executives with backgrounds in financialservices, real estate, industrial and consumer goods, legal services, entertainment and medicine.The groups meet monthly to share investment ideas and experiences on a range of wealth-related issues. Members alsohave access to investment opportunities including private equity, real estate and hedge funds.The next TIGER 21 Members’ Annual Conference is being held in Scottsdale, AZ, in late January.
About TIGER 21
TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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