
Debra Xu

Published On

June 5, 2014

Published In

Press Release

TIGER 21 Adds Estate Planning, Philanthropy, Business Evaluation andRisk Management Peer Reviews to its Core CurriculumPeer-to-peer group for high-net-worth investors adds new “defenses” based upon its successful PortfolioDefense model that examines Members’ investments

New York, NY (June 27, 2012) ‚Äì TIGER 21, the premier learning group for high-net-worth investors, which formore than a decade has helped Members make well-reasoned decisions about investments and wealth preservation,has announced major new enhancements to its core curriculum with the introduction of peer review and assessmentmodels focused on Members’ estate planning, philanthropic giving, business evaluation and risk management.

Since the organization’s inception, the Portfolio Defense¬Æ has become a major part of the membership experience ‚Äì somuch so that TIGER 21 registered “Portfolio Defense” as a trademark in 2009. During the Portfolio Defense session,one Member presents his or her personal balance sheet, income statement and financial goals in context with the largerevents in his or her life for review and analysis by the group’s Members. Members give advice based on their knowledgeof the presenting Member’s likes and propensities, a knowledge that is built through regular contact and discussion ofissues with each other.

The new defenses for Estate Planning, Philanthropy, Business Evaluation and Risk Management are based upon thesame principles on which the original investment Portfolio Defense was established — that candid feedback frompeers can prove invaluable for Members, providing insights and understanding that they rarely, if ever, get from paidadvisors.

While the Portfolio Defense on investments is mandatory for Members to undergo, the new Defenses are being phasedin and are elective. They were established as a result of expressed Member interest.

“Discussions on estate planning, philanthropy, the assessment of business plans and protecting members from riskshave frequently been a part of TIGER 21 meetings, whether through a specific presentation by an outside speaker orthrough general discussion among our Members,” said Michael Sonnenfeldt, TIGER 21 founder and chairman. “Theformation of the Estate Planning, Philanthropy, Business Evaluation and Risk Management Defenses adds a new levelof depth to the discussion and helps Members who want to really focus on these topics with their peers.”

Each new defense has been created with the Members’ needs in mind and consists of a multi-page preparationdocument for the participating Member to fill out. The Estate Planning document includes 19 multi-part questionsranging from “Projection of Estate Taxes upon Death” to “Disposition of Assets” and queries whether potentialcomplications from business interests exist or whether the Member has specific instructions for individual bequeaths.

“The Estate Planning Defense is a confidential, methodical and in-depth peer review of the Member’s trust and estateplan,” said Joel Treisman, Chief Learning Officer for TIGER 21. “We worked closely with the experienced trust & estateattorneys at Proskauer Rose LLP to design a unique process and templates. One Member — who invited her personallawyer to participate with her in the process — told me that the preparation and group feedback on her estate planjustified her annual membership fee for the year.”

The Philanthropy Defense templates and process were created to help TIGER 21 Members organize and articulate theirphilanthropic goals and strategies in discussion with their peer group.

“Our Members are primarily successful entrepreneurs. Most are ‚Äòimmigrants to the land of wealth’ and have neverbefore had the time, the financial wherewithal, and the know-how to engage in high impact strategic philanthropy.Undergoing the Philanthropy Defense yields invaluable feedback, ideas and networking connections from their peersand Group Chair,” said Treisman.

Through the Business Evaluation Defense, Members receive unbiased feedback and ideas from their peers onmarketing, revenue enhancement, product design, and other business strategies. These conversations leverage thecollective experience, wisdom and insights of the entrepreneurs around the table.

“The Business Evaluation Defense effectively converts a TIGER 21 group into something akin to a board of advisors.The Members are peers who understand the broader context of the presenting Member’s financial, family andbusiness experiences,” said Treisman. “The group’s feedback zooms in on the particular business strategies and thenpans out to consider questions about the business in relation to that Member’s complete ‚Äòlife portfolio.'”

TIGER 21 is also currently collaborating with the risk management experts at Frank Crystal & Company to create andbeta test a new Risk Management Defense. The process will take the Member through a 360-degree assessment ofhis or her personal, family and organizational risk exposure and discuss costs and benefits of available risk reductionstrategies for each.

“As with the original Portfolio Defense, the process with the new Estate Planning, Philanthropy, Business Evaluationand Risk Management Defenses can be extremely personal, but ultimately very rewarding,” said Sonnenfeldt.

“Members are encouraged to be as candid as possible about all the issues ‚Äì whether family-related or financial ‚Äì thatcould impact the decisions that go into their planning. Early feedback indicates that the new defenses are havinga profound influence on how our Members approach their estate planning, philanthropic, risk management andbusiness assessment goals.”

About TIGER 21:TIGER 21 (The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21st Century) is North America’s premier peer-to-peerlearning network for high net worth investors. TIGER 21 has 193 Members who collectively manage over $18 billionin investable assets and have been entrepreneurs, inventors and top executives. TIGER 21 focuses on improvinginvestment acumen as well as exploring common issues of wealth preservation, estate planning and family dynamicsbeyond finance. Founded in 1999, TIGER 21 is headquartered in New York City and has groups in New York, LosAngeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, Washington, DC, and Dallas, as well as Canadian groups in Vancouver,Toronto, Calgary and Montreal. More information can be found at www.tiger21.com.

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.

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