

Published On

September 10, 2015

Published In

Press Release

Wall Street Veteran Will Lead Organization’s Newest GroupOf Diverse, High-Net-Worth, New York City Entrepreneurs

NEW YORK, September 10, 2015 ‚Äì TIGER 21, the peer-to-peer learning network for high-net-worth entrepreneurs, announced today the appointment of Robert (Bob) Lorenzo as a New York Group Chair. TIGER 21’s Member groups provide an informal, confidential setting where high-net-worth individuals can share professional and personal challenges that come with being a successful businessperson. Mr. Lorenzo will support TIGER 21’s expansion in New York City with his strong financial and business skills and extensive network of contacts.

“New York City is a magnet for successful entrepreneurs,” said Jonathan Kempner, President of TIGER 21. “There are countless, unexpected professional and personal challenges associated with newly achieved wealth. TIGER 21’s exclusive network arms its Members with tools and life lessons drawn directly from the first-hand experiences of other Members.”

Kempner added: “Bob’s successful track record as an investment banker and founder of an international private equity business, his deep financial industry background and his board-level experience are invaluable assets for TIGER 21 as we enter an exciting new era of growth.”

TIGER 21 acts as a personal board of advisors for its Members and provides its Members with the support they need to address everything from investing strategies and business outlooks to long-range business succession to family-related challenges and estate planning. Currently, TIGER 21 has approximately 350 Members in 22 cities across North America. TIGER 21 also offers Members access to highly vetted investment opportunities across a variety of industries.

“From the moment I started talking with the people at TIGER21, I was very impressed by the strong sense of community shared by the Members,” added Mr. Lorenzo. “TIGER 21 is unlike anything I have come across in that it provides a setting for a rich exchange of advice for a diverse group of highly driven and successful individuals in an open, but highly confidential setting. These are candid and meaningful exchanges that one may never have the opportunity to experience in the ordinary course of one’s personal or professional life. We already have eight groups in New York City and I’m honored to be leading TIGER 21’s continuing expansion.”

Mr. Lorenzo has more than 20 years of experience in finance, including investment sales, mergers and acquisitions, and private equity and has held senior positions at The Chase Manhattan Bank, Salomon Brothers, Goldman Sachs and UBS.

Mr. Lorenzo is one of the founding partners of Eden Roc Capital, a middle-market private equity firm specializing in domestic and international investments. He began his career as a Certified Public Accountant with Ernst & Young before embarking on his investment banking career at the family offices of William E. Simon, the former U.S. Treasury Secretary.

Mr. Lorenzo holds a BS in Accounting from Farleigh Dickinson University and an MBA in Finance & International Business from New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business.He has also taught masters degree level accounting classes at New York University.

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 (The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21st Century) is North America’s premier peer-to-peer learning network for high-net-worth investors. TIGER 21’s almost 350 Members collectively manage more than $35 billion in personal assets and are entrepreneurs, inventors and top executives. TIGER 21 focuses on improving investment acumen as well as exploring common issues of wealth preservation, estate planning and family dynamics. Founded in 1999, TIGER 21 is headquartered in New York City and has groups in Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Orange County, CA, Palm Beach, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jan, PR, Seattle, Tysons Corner, VA, and Washington, DC as well as Canadian groups in Calgary, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. More information can be found atwww.tiger21.com.

Media Contacts:

Alison Smith, TIGER 21 │ Alison.Smith@TIGER21.com │212.584.0230

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.

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