Members and their families were invited to TIGER 21’s seventh Annual Conference last week in Boca Raton, F.L. to listen to and engage with leading experts in diverse disciplines. Speakers included Sam Zell, Thomas Friedman, Jim Grant, David Rosenberg, Byron Wien, and Tony Robbins. The event attracted over 650 attendees from across the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom, making it the largest TIGER 21 conference yet.
On the evening before the Annual Conference, TIGER 21 hosted a New Member Orientation for new Members to mingle, followed by a welcome reception at the beautiful Boca Beach Club for all attendees. Members and their families enjoyed a night filled with music while connecting with other Members from across North America and London.
To read more about each session, click here to read our in-depth press release.
The first official session of the conference gave Members the opportunity to share their investment ideas while their spouses and significant others had the option to participate in financial literacy sessions entitled “The Psychology of Money” and “Market Theory, Portfolio Construction & Risk Management.”
The first day concluded with a cocktail reception, followed by dinner with entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist, and the nation’s #1 Life & Business Strategist, Tony Robbins. The audience was impressed by his highly motivational, energetic, and insightful speech, which highlighted themes from his upcoming book Unshakeable ‚Äì Creating Peace of Mind in a World of Volatility.
Day Two featured Yale University psychology professor, Paul Bloom; renowned real estate investor, Sam Zell; Grant’s Interest Rate Observer editor, James Grant; esteemed Trump economic policy analyst, Stephen Moore; and presidential historians, Douglas Brinkley and Doris Kerns Goodwin, whose examination of the tenure of various U.S. presidents and inspection of the consistent characteristics that define outstanding leaders over lunch was particularly timely and thought-provoking.
In the Health and Wellness Session, Members heard insights from three leading visionaries in the medical field: Daniel Kraft, M.D., Faculty Chair for Medicine and Neuroscience for Singularity University; Adam Gazzaley, M.D., Ph.D., Executive Director of Neuroscape; and Esther Perel, acclaimed psychotherapist, author, and executive leadership coach.
The last day of the conference began with New York Times Foreign Affairs Columnist Thomas Friedman who examined the overarching themes from his latest book, Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations, followed by a discussion with Byron Wien, Vice President of Multi-Asset Investment Group, and David Rosenberg, Chief Economist and Strategist of Gluskin Sheff + Associates, who focused on the challenges facing the new administration as it attempts to spur economic expansion in this low-growth period.
Three top leaders in the non-profit space-Gerald Chertavian, Founder and CEO of Year Up; William Foster, Partner and Head of Consulting at The Bridgespan Group; and Yotam Polizer, Global Partnership and Development Director of IsraAid-joined TIGER 21 for lunch as they shared their perspectives on philanthropy and how to make an impact in this sector.
The conference concluded with a panel entitled “A Brave New World: Geopolitics and the War on Terror,” which comprised of John Allen, United States Marine Corps four-star general; Kenneth Pollack, Senior Fellow at the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution; and Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of The Economist. The three talked about emerging global concerns and how these issues might be addressed.
Throughout the duration of the 3-day Annual Conference, the Luxury Lounge was home to 13 TIGER 21 preferred providers with their offerings running the gamut from fashion, to travel, to private aviation and more. Many providers offered generous giveaways: Lindblad Expeditions offered a 9-day expedition from Iceland to West Greenland; Wheels Up provided twelve Members passes to its Annual Super Saturday Super Bowl Tailgate event; GIV Bahamas gave away a one week stay in an ocean view villa; Rolls Royce offered test drives to Members; First Hand Tickets gave away a gift card toward tickets for a concert or sports event; and Exclusive Resorts offered a 5-night trip to Costa Rica.
About TIGER 21
TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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