TIGER 21 LEAPS INTO CHICAGOStaff / November 19, 2013The big guns at TIGER 21 made only minor changes to asset allocations over Q3, the group’s quarterly reportTIGER 21 has announced the formation of a Chicago group. This brings TIGER 21‚Ä≤s total number of NorthAmerican locations to 15, including Canadian groups in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver. The peerlearning network for high-net-worth investors has more than 220 members, who manage over $20 billion in totalassets.Rich Harig, a veteran financial industry professional and family wealth advisor, will lead the Chicago group. Hefounded Legacy Resources, LLC in 1994 after spending more than a decade in the securities industry.”We have seen Rick Harig in action and are certain that he will be a strong chair for us in Chicago,” says JonathanKempner, president of TIGER 21.The group will likely start meeting in early 2014, once a majority of the 10 to 12 member slots for the initial groupare filled.The next TIGER 21 Members’ Annual Conference will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona in January 2014.
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TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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