

Published On

June 5, 2014

Published In

Press Release

Contact: John Garger 212-262-7484 jgargernyc@aol.comAllan Ripp 212-262-7477 arippnyc@aol.com

TIGER 21 Names Julie Garella as New Chair for San Francisco

Investment banking/financial services veteran brings keen understanding of investment/wealth-relatedchallenges of high net worth individuals, entrepreneurs and owners of closely-held businesses

San Francisco (August 1, 2012) – TIGER 21, the premier learning group for high net worth investorsin North America, announced today that investment banking and financial services industry veteran JulieGarella has joined the organization as chair of its San Francisco group.

TIGER 21’s San Francisco group was formed in the fall of 2006, along with groups in Los Angeles and SanDiego, attracting successful entrepreneurs and investors from throughout the Bay Area. The professionallyfacilitated group meets monthly, allowing Members to exchange investment ideas and share personalexperiences on a broad range of wealth-related issues.

Garella is the founder and managing director of Grayhorse Capital Partners, an advisory firm that providesstrategic investment banking services to privately held and family-owned businesses. Her career in financialservices spans over 25 years beginning with Smith Barney Harris Upham, where she became one of theyoungest female vice presidents at the company and later moving into corporate finance where she helpedstart the Corporate Services Group for Interstate/Johnson Lane (now Wachovia).

In 1997, Garella co-founded Carnegie Capital Advisors, an investment advisory firm specializing in illiquidinvestment management for high net worth individuals, non profits and insurance company assets. She alsoco-founded investment banking/venture capital firm Fairview Capital Venture, and together with HughMcColl, the former Chairman of Bank of America, founded McColl Garella, LLC, an investment bankingfirm focused on women-owned and -run companies. Prior to forming Grayhorse, Garella was a senior vicepresident and director of CitiGroup Global Market’s Capital Strategies Division, where she was responsiblefor managing a national team of seasoned professionals and securing M&A engagements with privately heldcompanies in the middle market. During her tenure, the group was ranked #1 as the Leading Private CompanyAdvisors for deal values to $100mm by Thompson Financial.

“We are thrilled that Julie Garella will be leading our San Francisco group. She is highly-regarded in theinvestment community and has a thorough understanding of wealth-related issues as well as a deep networkof contacts that will prove beneficial to existing TIGER 21 Members and also help us expand membership inthe region,” said Jonathan Kempner, president of TIGER 21.

TIGER 21 creates a highly confidential and safe environment for Members to explore critical issues affectingtheir lives. Through regular monthly meetings as well as through exchanges on a private Members-onlywebsite, TIGER 21 Members share their knowledge and experiences, and help each other wrestle with issuesrelating to finance, investments, managers and advisors. An important part of the curriculum focuses on estateplanning, family (particularly issues of wealth and children), health, and issues of communal involvement.

TIGER 21’s Presenter Program complements each meeting by providing access to top finance experts thatoften introduce Members to a variety of investment opportunities, as well as experts that focus on other issues.

“Throughout my career, I’ve worked with numerous individuals who’ve had great success in business, only tobe confounded when deciding on how to best preserve their wealth once they’ve sold their primary businessor retired. TIGER 21 is the perfect forum for high net worth individuals looking for honest and credible adviceon investments and wealth preservation from their peers,” said Garella. “I look forward to working with theexisting group in San Francisco as well as expanding TIGER 21 reach in Northern California.”

Garella has also been active with professional organizations and serving on non-profit boards. She servedon the Women’s Leadership Board of the Kennedy School at Harvard University, on the Board of Directorsfor North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry, The Center for Women’s Business Research, and theWomen President’s Organization. She currently serves as trustee for the Williston Northampton School.

Garella is also the author of Capitalize on Your Success: The Ultimate Guide To Getting The Money GrowingThe Business and Doing The Deal.

About TIGER 21:TIGER 21 (The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21st Century) is North America’s premier peer-to-peerlearning network for high net worth investors. TIGER 21 has 193 Members who collectively manage over $18 billionin investable assets and have been entrepreneurs, inventors and top executives. TIGER 21 focuses on improvinginvestment acumen as well as exploring common issues of wealth preservation, estate planning and family dynamicsbeyond finance. Founded in 1999, TIGER 21 is headquartered in New York City and has groups in New York, LosAngeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, Washington, DC, and Dallas, as well as Canadian groups in Vancouver,Toronto, Calgary and Montreal. More information can be found at www.tiger21.com.

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.

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