TIGER 21 Names Vice Chairs for Toronto and Calgary Groups



Published On

June 5, 2014

Published In

Press Release

TIGER 21 Names Vice Chairs for Toronto and Calgary GroupsPeer-to-peer learning network for high net worth investors continues to see strong interest in Canada

Toronto, Canada (March 29, 2012) – TIGER 21, the premier peer-to-peer learning group for high networth investors in North America, has announced the addition of two business and leadership authorities asVice Chairs of its groups in Toronto and Calgary.

Leon Goren joins TIGER 21 as Vice Chair for the Toronto group and Jennifer Fuhr joins the Calgary Groupas Vice Chair. TIGER 21 also has Canadian groups in Vancouver and Montreal.

“In less than a year we have made great strides attracting members in all four of our initial Canadian launchcities. The addition of Leon and Jennifer to their respective groups is a sign that the TIGER 21 model ofcollective intelligence has been well-received in Canada and our growth trajectory is on course,” said ThaneStenner, TIGER 21’s Managing Director for Canada, and Founding Member. “Leon and Jennifer share thevision that guides TIGER 21 and they both have the connections and professionalism to ensure the continuedsuccess of TIGER 21 Canada.”

Leon Goren joins chair Norm Trainer to facilitate the Toronto group. Goren has more than 25-years experienceas an entrepreneur as well as advisor to both CEOs and senior executives looking to grow their own businessesand/or multi-national organizations. In 2010, he became the owner and CEO of Ontario-based Presidents ofEnterprising Organizations (PEO), a peer-to-peer network for business executives focused on maximizing theirleadership potential. He frequently addresses business audiences and is a recognized authority on leadershipand business strategy.

“I am very familiar with peer-concept groups and TIGER 21 is considered the premier peer network for high networth investors in North America. I know many business leaders who can benefit from the TIGER 21 experienceand look forward to helping TIGER 21 expand in Toronto,” said Goren.

Jennifer Fuhr becomes vice chair of the Calgary group alongside chair Hal Walker. Fuhr is a successful financialconsultant who counts numerous high net worth families, entrepreneurs, and family businesses as her clients. In2011, she founded Family Wealth Consultants to advise high net worth families in the numerous challenges theyface managing their wealth. She is a frequent speaker on wealth related issues.

“The challenges and opportunities facing the wealthy are oftentimes complicated. TIGER 21 provides a veryconstructive environment for the super affluent to seek answers from their peers and receive honest feedbackfrom people dealing with some of the same issues, all within a ‚Äòsafe harbor’ and confidential environment. I amhappy to be joining the TIGER 21 team and contributing to its success,” said Fuhr.

The mission of TIGER 21 is to provide an intimate confidential setting where high net worth investors who havebeen responsible for creating their own significant wealth, help each other navigate through a turbulent time.

The TIGER 21 experience helps many members successfully transition from focused entrepreneurs or seniorexecutives to disciplined managers of their personal wealth, while for other active managers of energy, realestate or financial assets, the experience provides an opportunity to take an afternoon/eve once a monthout of a busy schedule to explore the critical personal issues of wealth, family, health and philanthropy.

Participating in professionally facilitated, 10- to 15-person groups, Members meet monthly to harness thevaried expertise and collective intelligence of their peers in high-energy, noon to 7:30pm sessions. In additionto the four Canadian groups, TIGER 21 has groups in New York, Dallas, Miami, San Francisco, San Diego,Washington, DC and Los Angeles. There are nearly 200 members throughout North America who collectivelymanage over $18 billion in investable assets.

The Canadian groups have already hosted a number of notable experts on financial topics and other wealthrelatedissues. Among the presenters this past year were Larry Ohlhauser, President and CEO of Ohlhauser &Associates, who spoke on empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own health; Gerald Connor,Chairman and CEO at Cumberland Private Wealth, on global markets; Barry Allan, founding partner ofMarret Asset Management Inc. on fixed income investments; Blake Bromley of Benefic, on using philanthropyin estate planning; David Picton of Picton Mahony; and Stephen King of Alaris Royalty as well as some ofDeloitte’s senior partners on tax trends. The roster of world-class presenters is continuing to build and newfeatured speakers are announced regularly. See attached pdf for past and future presenters.

To find out more about the TIGER 21 experience, visit the website www.tiger21.com/Canada or click on thefollowing links:

TIGER 21 Canada fact sheet: https://tiger21.com/docs/FactSheetCanada.pdf

TIGER 21 testimonials: https://tiger21.com/canada/TestimonialsCA.pdf

TIGER 21 Frequently asked questions: https://tiger21.com/docs/FAQ-Canada.pdf

About TIGER 21:TIGER 21 (The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21st Century) is North America’s premierpeer-to-peer learning network for high net worth investors. TIGER 21 has nearly 200 Members whocollectively manage approximately $18 billion in investable assets and have been entrepreneurs, inventorsand top executives. TIGER 21 focuses on improving investment acumen as well as exploring common issuesof wealth preservation, estate planning and family dynamics beyond finance. Founded in 1999, TIGER 21is headquartered in New York City and has US-based groups in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, SanDiego, Miami, Washington, DC, and Dallas. Its exclusive Canadian groups are located in Vancouver, Toronto,Calgary and Montreal. More information can be found at www.tiger21.com.

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.

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