Tiger 21 On the Spike in Seattle Wealth4/16/13Tiger 21 has launched its latest chapter in Seattle, and Private Wealth Focus spoke with its new directorNancy Reid about the expanding high-net-worth market in the region as well as what its current needs are.Reid, who relocated to Seattle last year and has been the firm’s director of membership since 2010, saidTiger 21’s goal is to promote open dialogue, idea exchange and learning in an extremely confidentialatmosphere for the ultra-high-net-worth in North America.Seattle was selected as the next target for its growing wealth that is tied to the aerospace, telecom, biotechand clean technology sectors, as well as natural resources and Internet wealth creation, Reid said. This hasresulted in a number of venture capitalists and angel investors as well as entrepreneurs-all of whom arelooking for a place to exchange ideas with others in the same financial boat.”In any community, fit is very important and we are looking for the right fit with our new members,” Reidsaid, adding that the firm will hold meetings in downtown Seattle for new members on April 25 and May 23.”We’re looking for expertise and the willingness to share expertise, a desire to learn from his or her fellowmembers, intellectual curiosity and high integrity,” Reid told PWF. While the discussions typically revolvearound serious matters like pre-nuptial agreements to international real estate investments, Reid said she isalso looking for a sense of humor as the meetings can be “a tremendous amount of fun.”Meetings are held monthly for a half-business day and include an open discussion of what members arefacing in their lives and their portfolios. A meeting staple includes portfolio defense where members sharetheir asset allocation, how they invest and spend, and how they plan to leave their estate-all with anopportunity for honest member feedback.The Seattle chapter will likely see members traveling from Portland, Ore. and Sun Valley, ID, with Reidadding “members tend to lead extraordinarily busy lives, and this is the only time they have to push thedistractions aside and focus on the biggest decisions they are making in their lives.” The group will cap outat 10-14 private investors, as Reid said the goal in all of its group cities is to encourage dialogue in a smallersetting.
About TIGER 21
TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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