TIGER 21: Ultra wealthy, secretive millionaires club chooses Palm Beach for newest location
Published: February 23, 2014 By: Mike Trim
Average net worth of $75 million for club members.
PALM BEACH, Fla. – It’s one of the wealthiest groups in North America and it’s only found in 17 cities.
Now, TIGER 21 is digging in to Palm Beach.
Charlie Garcia is the South Florida chair of the TIGER 21 Club. “People who are at that level of wealth are used to getting their butts kissed. Here they’re in a group of men and women who are finding their weak spots,” Garcia said.
TIGER 21 is an exclusive collection of people with an average net worth of $75 million.
Their goal? “Make better business decisions about philanthropy, raising socially responsible children and how to make better decisions about businesses and investments,” said Garcia.’
But learning who’s who in these groups is privileged information.
Garcia says the more than two dozen members won’t reveal themselves in Palm Beach. He says members include doctors, members of the oil and gas sector and real estate moguls. Garcia says opening up the list to the public would lead to a swarm of investment bankers and lawyers calling non-stop.
Garcia did say what this super rich group thinks will move the economy in 2014 and beyond.
“Oil drives the economy more so than even real estate or anything else. So that’s a big, kind of long-term trend we’re looking at,” said Garcia.
He says members believe manufacturing will make a comeback and the housing market will continue to show improvement. Members hope to see this while opening up their financial records to their new board of directors: their peers.
Garcia said, “Not the manly thing to do or the successful thing to do but when they do they get tremendous value out of it.”
TIGER 21 hopes to spread that value by expanding to Jupiter and Wellington.
About TIGER 21
TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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