TIGER 21 has released its annual Member Favorites Survey showing that public equities, while still the most favored investment by a wide margin, lost ground to private equity and real estate over the past year.
The survey of TIGER 21’s more than 290 members, who collectively manage approximately $30 billion in investable assets, is designed to highlight members’ most preferred investments and managers.
Public Equitieswere named by 35% of members as a favorite investment, a decrease of six percentage points from a year ago. The most common public equity investment was individual stock purchases at 43%, a seven percentage point decrease from 2013 and a full 14 points below 2012. ETFs, at 25%, gained four percentage points from last year, followed by mutual funds/long only funds at 17% and hedge funds at 14%.
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The most popular equity sectors according to respondents were Financials at 27% followed by Consumer Discretionary and Energy, both at 16%. The next most popular sectors were Technology at 13% and Health Care at 11%.
Apple and Berkshire Hathaway again swapped spots for favorite single stock pick with Apple reclaiming the top position and Berkshire at number two. The next three favorite equity picks were SPDR S&P 500 ETF, Health Care SPDR ETF, and iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF.
“Our members are long-term investors. They are attracted to investments that appear to have long stretches ahead of predictable success. In the case of Apple and Berkshire Hathaway, regardless of which stock comes in on top, their consistent presence on our list shows that our Members have a fundamental belief in those companies for the long-term,” said Michael Sonnenfeldt, founder and chairman of TIGER 21.
Nineteen percent of members chosePrivate Equityas a favorite investment strategy this year, continuing the multi-year increase seen for this asset class. For the first time, the survey asked members how their private equity allocation breaks down: 63% of private equity investment is allocated to direct investments in members’ own companies, another 17% went to private companies that were not their own, and the remaining 20% was targeted to funds.
Read:Big year for private equity
Real Estatemoved from the fourth favorite investment strategy to number three at 16%, gaining one percentage point from last year. Residential real estate investments were named most often, followed by commercial investments.
Hedge Fundslost two percentage points from a year ago, with 15% selecting a hedge fund investment as their favorite for 2014. The hedge fund category broken down by investment strategy showed a bit of movement. Equity Long/Short remained the most popular (39%), but declined by five percentage points. Relative Value strategy (24%) moved up two positions to the second most popular strategy. Next was Multi-Strategy (12%) followed by Event Driven (9%), Fund of Funds (9%), and Macro (6%).
Read:Use hedge funds to profit from M&A
Fixed Incomewas the fifth most popular investment category at 9%. For the third consecutive year, municipal bonds were the largest fixed-income category member’s mentioned with exposure through mutual funds, individual names and managed portfolios from advisors.
Commoditiesgained three percentage points to move to 4% this year. Energy commodities were the predominate investment listed by Members.
Cash and Cash Equivalentswere named by 2% of members, same as in 2013.
Asked to name their favorite managers across all types of investments, the top five responses included three repeats from last year and two new additions. Golub Capital Inc. (Private Equity), Chickasaw Capital Management, LLC (Equity: MLPs), and Elliott Management Corporation (Hedge Fund: distressed) remain on the top five list. Newcomers include A.L. Stuart & Co. (Equity: MLPs) and Dome Equities (Real Estate).
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TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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