Ultra-wealthy investment group expanding to Palm Beach
A new group that focuses on improving the wealth and knowledgeof multimillionaires is coming to Palm Beach.
The Investment Group for Enhanced Results for the 21 Century – better known as TIGER 21 -‚Äì is starting a newchapter in Palm Beach next week. The 14-year-old group for the ultra-wealthy is now in seven U.S. cities and fourother Canadian cities.
The price to join – $30,000 a year – doesn’t come cheap. But TIGER 21 now has about 220 members who managea total of $20 billion in investable assets.
After attracting more than 20 members, the group started a second Miami chapter in September and decided to offerone further north because several members complained of the long drive to Miami. Charles Garcia, an Air ForceAcademy graduate and business owner who lives in Boca Raton, will be leading the expansion.
“Our goal is 60 members over the next two years,” with new chapters started in Boca Raton, Jupiter and maybeBroward County, Garcia said. South Florida has about 2,000 multimillionaires, he added.
Garcia said he has learned a lot from other members who share their expertise in investing, estate planning, startingand running a businesses and balancing work with family. Members feel comfortable with each other since “no oneis going to sell you anything,” Garcia said.
Mark Llano, a former Marine who founded Source One Distributors in Wellington a decade ago to supply gear to U.S.soldiers, said he is planning to join to learn how other self-made men and women handle philanthropy. He wants hisfamily and company to give to others.
“That’s a very big deal for us,” Llano said.
By Donna Gehrke-White, Sun Sentinel7:26 a.m. EST, November 30, 2013dgehrke@tribune.com or Twitter @donnagehrkeCopyright © 2013, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
About TIGER 21
TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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