Updated 9.13.24



TIGER 21 is first and foremost a community for wealth creators to share information, ideas, and resources—and to network with other like-minded individuals they can learn from and trust. The trust and integrity among our Members is the glue that binds our community and advances our mission of delivering a world-class platform for Members to Learn, Access, and Connect. Taking advantage of the openness and relationships within our community puts that trust and integrity at risk, which is why Non-Solicitation is one of our core pillars.   

In simple terms, using any aspect of the TIGER 21 community—including your Group, a visit to another Group, another Member’s email address, the contact information available on T21 Connect or any other TIGER 21 asset—as a marketing tool to promote your for-profit business, not for-profit business, charitable organization, or personal cause is solicitation. The same is true for posting on T21 Connect about your business, fund, investment opportunities, events requiring a fee, or “free talks” which promote a for-profit business 

There are a few notable exceptions, which can be found in the section that follows called “Solicitation Exceptions and Opportunities.” 

Non-Solicitation Policy Details

Members agree to: 

  • Refrain from soliciting other Members for investment in any fund, venture, product, or philanthropy they sponsor, or are related to, in any way including but not limited to email, text, social media, subtle mentions during Group meetings or other official TIGER 21 events. 
  • Refrain from adding other Members’ contact information (such as email addresses, postal addresses, and/or phone numbers) to any informational or educational investment communication lists without obtaining prior consent from the Member.  
  • Refrain from using personal email for solicitation of any kind, even if solicitation is permitted within the exceptions below.  

Since TIGER 21’s Non-Solicitation policy is a Level 1 area of the Membership Principles–Code of Conduct, violations may result in a loss of Membership.

Members are encouraged to report any violations of this policy by emailing details to a Member of TIGER 21’s Conduct Committee: 


Solicitation Exceptions and Opportunities

TIGER 21 allows for exceptions to the Non-Solicitation Policy in the following circumstances: 

  • Where consensus has been fully and formally established among Members of a particular Group to accept investment presentations from the Group’s own Members.
    • Obtaining such consensus will be the responsibility of the Group’s Chair and must be acknowledged and submitted to TIGER 21. 
    • Any new Members joining a Group that allows investment solicitations in the form of presentations from its Members should be informed prior to such agreement prior to deciding to join that particular Group 
    • Members of any Group who have agreed to waive the Non-Solicitation Policy for investments are still required to honor the Non-Solicitation Policy for Members of all other Groups and the TIGER 21 community at large. 
  • Where consensus has been fully and formally established among Group Members to accept investment presentations from Qualified Members of other TIGER 21 Groups.
    • A Qualified Member is one who 1) has been a TIGER 21 Member for a minimum of one year, 2) has committed to the second year of Membership AND 3) has given their Portfolio Defense to their Home Group. 
    • Obtaining such consensus will be the responsibility of the Group’s Chair and must be acknowledged and submitted to TIGER 21. 
    • Any new Members joining a Group that allows investment solicitations in the form of presentations from Qualified visiting Members should be informed of such agreement prior to deciding to join that particular Group. 
  • Where consensus has been fully and formally established among Group Members to allow investment presentations to be made by Members or Qualified Visiting Members prior or subsequent to a Group meeting or at an independent TIGER CAGE meeting where Members voluntarily attend for the purpose of being presented with investment opportunities.
    • Attendance at any investment presentation prior to or at the conclusion of a TIGER 21 meeting, or at a TIGER CAGE session is entirely voluntary. 
    • The Group Chair is responsible for all logistical arrangements required for such investment presentations. 
    • Expenses incurred shall be the responsibility of the presenting Member or the Members requesting the Meeting. 
  • In the T21 Connect Private Deal Network, an opt-in Network.
    • Members can post information on deals where they are interested in bringing in a Capital Partner or seeking advice from someone who has relevant experience. 
  • In the T21 Connect Member Marketplace, an opt-in Network.
    • Members may share and discuss opportunities and make requests that would be of interest to or could be fulfilled by the Community or their related businesses. 
  • At the TIGER 21 Global Exchange, during an optional session, prior to the official start of the conference, which features Member-sponsored investment opportunities. 

Exceptions for Philanthropy Solicitations: 

  • Philanthropic solicitations of fellow Members are only deemed appropriate when a Member has a deep and personal relationship with another Member stemming from a longstanding interaction, including such activities as frequent socializing, traveling, and investing together. 
  • Simply being in the same TIGER 21 Group, or simply visiting another Member’s Group, does not qualify as a deep and personal relationship with another Member. 
  • Note that the Philanthropy Network on T21 Connect is only to be used for Members to discuss ideas, concerns, and best practices regarding their philanthropic activities. This network is not to be used for Members to post solicitations for donations to any specific charity or causes.