Mohamed El-Erian
Mohamed A El-Erian is Co-CEO and Co-CIO. He re-joined PIMCO in December 2007 after serving for 2 years as President and CEO of Harvard Management Company (HMC), the entity that manages Harvard’s endowment and related accounts. Dr. El-Erian also served as a member of the faculty of Harvard Business School and as deputy treasurer of the University. Dr. El-Erian earned a B.A. in economics from Cambridge University and doctoral and master’s degrees in economics from Oxford University. He spent 15 years at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington DC before moving to the private sector where he served as managing director at Salomon Smith Barney/Citigroup in London. In 1999, he joined PIMCO where he was a managing director and a senior member of PIMCO’s portfolio management and investment strategy group. Dr. El-Erian has published widely on international economic and finance topics and has served on several boards and committees, including the Emerging Markets Traders Association (EMTA) and the IMF’s Committee of Eminent Persons. He is currently a board member of the International Center for Research on Women and the Peterson Institute for International Economics. He was also a member of the U.S. Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee and the IMF’s Capital Markets Consultative Group, and chairs Microsoft’s Investment Advisory Committee.