Robert Arnott
Robert Arnott has endeavored to bridge the worlds of academic theorists and financial markets over his 30-year career. His success in doing so has resulted in a reputation as one of the world’s most provocative practitioners and respected financial analysts.Rob has pioneered several unconventional portfolio strategies that are now widely applied, including tactical asset allocation, global tactical asset allocation, tax-advantaged equity management, and the Fundamental Index® approach to indexation.In 2002, he established Research Affiliates as a research-intensive asset management firm that focuses on innovative products. The firm explores novel approaches to active asset allocation, optimal portfolio construction, more efficient forms of indexation and other quantitative strategies. Research Affiliates delivers investment solutions globally in partnership with leading financial institutions.Rob has been a frequent contributor to leading financial journals and books. He has published more than 100 articles in journals such as the Journal of Portfolio Management, the Harvard Business Review, and the Financial Analysts Journal, where he also served as editor in chief from 2002 through 2006. In recognition of his achievements as a financial writer, Rob has received five Graham and Dodd Scrolls, awarded annually by CFA Institute for best articles of the year. He also has received two Bernstein-Fabozzi/Jacobs-Levy awards from the Journal of Portfolio Management.An intrepid entrepreneur, Rob managed two asset management firms before founding Research Affiliates. As chairman of First Quadrant, LP, he built up the former internal money manager for Crum & Forster into a highly regarded quantitative asset management firm. He also was global equity strategist at Salomon Brothers (now part of Citigroup), the founding president and CEO of TSA Capital Management (now part of Analytic Investors, LLC), and a vice president at The Boston Company.Rob Arnott graduated summa cum laude from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1977 in economics, applied mathematics, and computer science. He is co-author of The Fundamental Index: A Better Way to Invest (Wiley 2008).