
Murray Dalfen

Chairman and CEO, Dalfen Industrial

Murray Dalfen is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dalfen Industrial and is responsible for the oversight and management of the firm and its investment activities. Murray is also a member of the firm’s Executive Advisory Committee and the General Partner’s Fund IV Investment Committee. Murray has successfully led three real estate funds at Dalfen, which have owned, operated, developed and managed several million square feet of commercial property located in the U.S. and Canada. Murray Dalfen began his career at Dalfen’s Limited, a family-apparel retail chain. In 1990, Murray transitioned the direction of Dalfen to focus exclusively on commercial real estate. Since 1990, Mr. Dalfen has been the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dalfen’s Limited and Dalfen Industrial. Murray is a philanthropist and has also assumed a leadership role in many community organizations. Mr. Dalfen was named a winner of Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 Quebec.

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