
Beri Meric

Co-Founder and CEO, Ivy

Beri’s goal is to support everyone on their journey towards making a lasting positive impact. Beri’s has dedicated his life to finding new ways of getting everyone to dream bigger and do more together. Beri deeply believes that uniting rising leaders around meaningful endeavors will spark a new renaissance that unlocks human potential. Beri’s inspiration for IVY has been strongly influenced by his experiences at Harvard Business School and Brown University. Leading universities have a proven track record of substantially accelerating social, professional, and intellectual development. Together with fellow IVY members and team, Beri is cultivating a new kind of community that stands to provide the same benefits to all rising leaders throughout their lives. Beri is currently based in NYC, and travels frequently to learn from our expanding community. Originally from Turkey and Scotland, Beri has always been inspired by his humanitarian mother Suzi and entrepreneurial father Iliya. Prior to IVY, Beri worked at Morgan Stanley in M&A and Strategy. His favorite sports are skiing and rugby, and he has a real weakness for French bulldogs.

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