TIGER 21 Member Testimonial: Brian Rosen

What are the benefits of TIGER 21 Membership?
Member Brian Rosen discusses how the TIGER 21 community has provided him support in both his business and family life, and more.
Q: How has TIGER 21 impacted your life?
A: In my experience, TIGER 21 has been a place to recreate friendships that perhaps I’ve lost while growing my career. Early in my career, I [was] always head down, raising a young family. You’re married or in early parts of a marriage. That’s your focus. As you get into TIGER 21, your focus changes – you’re looking for more friendships, more camaraderie, more groups of people to do like-minded things with. And TIGER has provided that for me in spades.
Q: What have you learned from other TIGER Members?
A: The people around the table are really advisors – consiglieres in your strategy. So, you really have a non-paid board member to your life, to help you in all aspects.
Q: How would you describe the TIGER 21 Member Experience?
A: In TIGER 21, there’s a grander mission, and people are there to help each other. Everyone has made it in some way, so everyone’s very excited to see other people have success. People are very excited to help you have success in a different realm, perhaps, than you made your initial wealth in. I think it opens people up that could be myopic in their investment strategy. And, more importantly to me than anything else, you get this group of friends to support you in whatever you’re doing – family, business, or philanthropic. And that is well worth the price of admission.
Watch the full video and more on YouTube.
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TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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