TIGER 21 announces Canadian leadership team



Published On

June 5, 2014

Published In

Press Release

Contact:Maria Loscerbo604-732-6221maria@epicpr.ca TIGER 21 announces Canadian leadership teamProminent finance/investment executive Thane Stenner and luxury business professionalRichard Deacon to lead peer-to-peer learning group’s northern expansion Vancouver, Canada and New York, USA, Oct. 5, 2010 — TIGER 21, North America’s premier peer-to-peer learning group for high net worth in vestors, announced todaythat Thane Stenner and Richard Deacon will spearhead the or ganization’s expansion into Canada.TIGER 21 formally announced its Canadian initiative in July with the first groups slated for Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal. The organization ha rnesses the collective in telligence of the super- affluent, who meet monthly in groups of up to 14 people to exchange investment ideas and share personal experiences on a broad range of wealth-r elated issues. It current ly has approximately 140 members who collectively manage over $10 billion in investable assets.

Stenner, who is the founder of Vancouver-based Stenner Investment Partners, and a Director of Wealth Management at Richardson GMP, will serve as Tiger 21 ‚Äü s Managing Director – Canada. A leading business development specialist, Deacon jo ins as Director of St rategic Partnerships.

Stenner will take the lead in expanding TIGER 21 ‚Äü s membership into Canada , and Deacon will focus on corporate partnerships in Canada as well as the United States. TIGER 21 Canada will have a maximum of 56 Canadian Members initially, with 14 Me mbers in each of the four cities. The Canadian membership will be capped at 112 Members. Fees are $30,000 USDs annually, and among the criteria for membership is $10 million in investable assets.

“We welcome Thane Stenner and Rich ard Deacon into the TIGER 21 family,” said Michael Sonnenfeldt, TIGER 21 ‚Äü s founder and chairman. “They both share the vi sion that guides our organization and have the connections and enthusiasm to ensu re the success of TIGER 21 Canada.”

“Thane is considered a thought leader on wealth-r elated issues faced by su ccessful entrepreneurs and C-Suite executives. His ex pertise and national network will help expand the TIGER 21 footprint in Canada and be a great resource for our exis ting US membership,” Sonnenfeldt added.

“Thane and Richard have significant personal and professional networks in each of the four Canadian cities in which TIGER 21 will establish groups in the spring of 2011,” sa id Jonathan Kempner, president of TIGER 21. “We are conf ident that they can replicate th e TIGER 21 process that has been so successful in the US at helping high net worth individuals with investing, asset preservation and other wealth-related issues.”

Stenner has more than 20 years experience advising ultra high net worth families, entrepreneurs, and corporate and philanthropic entities. He is recognized nationally for his expertise in the high net worth advisory field. Previously, Stenner held roles as First Vice President with CIBC World Markets, and Director of Merrill Lynch ‚Äü s International Private Client Group. Stenner also wrote the Canadian bestseller, True Wealth: An Expe rt Guide for High Net Worth Indi viduals (and Their Advisors).

“I’m delighted to be a Founding Member and Managi ng Director of TIGER 21 in Canada,” commented Stenner. “These are challenging economic times and the TIGER 21 learning model is certain to appeal to Canada’s high net worth population. In fact, we’ve already received an impressive number of membership inquiries across Canada since TIGER 21 Canada was announced this past summer. I look forward to the first groups forming in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal in less than six months time.”

Deacon is a leading Canadian busi ness development professi onal in the media and luxury space, with over 15 years of marketing, sponso rship, event and advertising experi ence working with a variety of world class brands at a national and international level. In his role as Director of Strategic Partnerships for North America, he will oversee developing promotion and alliances with top tier brands that will bring additional resources and experiences to the TIGER 21 membership.

In addition, Deacon will align exclusive corporate partners with TIGER 21 through a new Luxury Partnership Program. This „invitation-only ‟ partnership program, created for a select few luxury brands and financial services partners, will offer special access and exposure to TIGER 21 Members with the ability to create powerful, customized connections with an often difficult-to-access high net worth audience.

“I’m honored to be working with the premier peer-to-peer lear ning group for high net worth investors,” said Deacon. “The exclusive nature of TIGER 21 has already resulted in enthusiastic responses from potential corporate partners. By co llaborating with only first-rate providers and brands, we will create world-cla ss experiences that TIGER 21 members ‚Äì whether in the US or Canada ‚Äì have come to expect.”

Also joining TIGER 21 to support the Canadian expansion will be Nancy Block Reid as Director of Membership based in New York. Reid will be part of the membership recruiting and nomination team, which also includes Martine Cunliffe, who will support the Canadian membership selection process. Cunliffe is fluent in English and French, and formerly resided in Montreal.

TIGER 21 Canada is currently accepting queries from potential members, sponsorship inquiries, and speaker requests.

Membership and Media

Thane Stenner, Managing Director, Canada – Thane.Stenner@Tiger21.com

Nancy Block Reid, Director of Membership – Nancy.Reid@Tiger21.com

Bilingual English/French inquiries:

Martine Cunliffe, Canadian Memberships – Martine.Cunliffe@Tiger21.com

Corporate Partnerships/Sponsorships

Richard Deacon, Director of Strategic Partnerships – Richard.Deacon@Tiger21.com


Abby George, Managing Dire ctor, TIGER 21 Programs – Abby.George@Tiger21.com

For additional information on TIGER 21 Canada, visit www.tiger21.com/canada

About TIGER 21:

TIGER 21 (The Investment Group for Enhanced Re sults in the 21st Century) is North America’s premier peer-to-peer learning ne twork for high net wo rth investors. TIGER 21 has approximately 140 member investors with groups in seven cities across the United Stat es who collectively manage over $10 billion USD in investable assets. TIGER 21 focuses on improving investment acumen as well as exploring co mmon issues of wealth preservation, estate planni ng and family dynamics beyond finance, for individuals wi th a minimum of 10 million in liquid investment assets aside from business interests and personal real estate. All members are bound by very strict confidentiality agreements. Founded in 1999 by Michael Sonnenfeldt, TIGER 21 is headquartered in New York City and has groups in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, South Florida, and Dallas, as well as a group forming in Washington, DC. More information can be found at www.tiger21.com .

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.

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