TIGER 21 Canada Springs Forward and Launches with Strong Interest



Published On

June 5, 2014

Published In

Press Release

TIGER 21 Canada Springs Forward and Launches withStrong InterestTIGER 21 Canada Springs Forward and Launches with Strong Interest The premier peer-to-peerlearning group for high net worth investors in North America has welcomed its inaugural members inCalgary, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal; Top notch facilitators (Chairs) recruited to lead groups; Elitepresenters address important issues

Vancouver, Canada (June 27, 2011) – TIGER 21, the premier peer-to-peer learning group for high networth investors in North America, is off to a fast start in Canada with groups already formed and meeting inthree cities and a fourth group set to meet in the fall.

The Vancouver group began meeting in April, followed by a Toronto group in May, and a Calgary groupearlier this month. The first meeting for the Montreal group will take place in September.

“The inaugural meetings of the first three Canadian groups were gratifying successes. We have Memberswho are excited to learn as well as contribute, Chairs who are the best in the business at running highlyconfidential meetings, and an elite list of presenters on topics that run the full spectrum of interest to highnet worth investors and successful entrepreneurs,” said Thane Stenner, TIGER 21’s Managing Director forCanada, and Founding Member.

The mission of TIGER 21 is to provide an intimate confidential setting where high net worth investors whohave been responsible for creating their own significant wealth, help each other navigate through a turbulenttime. The TIGER 21 experience helps many Members successfully transition from focused entrepreneursor senior executives to disciplined managers of their personal wealth, while for other active managers ofenergy, real estate or financial assets, the experience provides an opportunity to take a day a month out of abusy schedule to explore the critical personal issues of wealth, family, health and community. Participatingin professionally facilitated, 10- to 15-person groups, Members meet monthly to harness the varied expertiseand collective intelligence of their peers in high-energy, noon to 7:30pm sessions. In addition to the fourCanadian groups, TIGER 21 has groups in New York, Dallas, Miami, San Francisco, San Diego, Washington,DC and Los Angeles. There are more than 180 members throughout North America whose personalinvestible assets exceed US $15 billion.

“We’ve made great strides during the past six months to identify some really extraordinary individualswho will enhance what is already a uniquely talented and successful membership at TIGER 21. We are alsoquite excited to have recruited four first-rate professionals with almost perfect backgrounds to lead the firstCanadian groups,” said Stenner.

Among the new TIGER 21 group Chairs are:

Norm Trainor, TorontoNorm Trainor is the President and CEO of The Covenant Group, which he formed in 1995 to educate andcoach entrepreneurs; providing them with the necessary business tools to enhance performance and achievenew levels of profit and productivity. Trainor is also an international speaker and author of best-sellingbooks, including The 8 Best Practices of High-Performing Salespeople and The Entrepreneurial Journey.”As Canada’s financial centre, Toronto and the Southern Ontario area is home to a large number ofentrepreneurs, wealthy individuals and families who will benefit from their involvement in TIGER 21,”said Trainor. “I have experienced firsthand the value Members derive from their involvement in this trulyunique peer-to-peer network. The benefits extend beyond enhanced investment results to include betterhealth, deeper relationships and the expression of what members truly value.”

Dr. Nancy MacKay, VancouverDr. Nancy MacKay is president of MacKay & Associates, which helps companies improve individual andorganizational performance. She coaches and facilitates eight CEO networks comprised of 100 CEOsacross Canada. She also operates forums for other senior executives involving 80 individuals. MacKayis co-author of The Talent Advantage and has addressed thousands of people across Canada, the US,Norway, the United Kingdom and Australia. She is a certified executive coach.

“Vancouver has many successful entrepreneurs in a wide variety of industries. They are exactly the type ofpeople who can benefit from being part of a network of like-minded individuals and learn from each otherin a confidential environment,” said MacKay. “I am thrilled with our strong start and know that we willcontinue to attract a diverse group of successful business leaders as we continue to grow.”

Hal Walker, CalgaryHal Walker is a business and community leader who has had a successful career as a real estate, oil andgas, and stock market entrepreneur and investor. He founded Ellemere Developments and the MeredithMichael Group in 1979, and has had many successful development deals with resort properties acrossNorth America. He is a past chair of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the AdvisoryCouncil to the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary, among a number of other notablepositions and accomplishments.

On TIGER 21’s emergence in Calgary, Walker said, “Calgary and Alberta, with its massive resource wealth,have emerged as the economic driving force of Canada. With oil and gas as well as banking taking thelead, Calgary is now a recognized world financial centre. The entrepreneurial expertise in ‚ÄûCowtown‚Äümade it a natural for TIGER 21 to establish a group here.”

“TIGER 21 has become an amazing international think tank of ultra-successful individuals, who havemade it their responsibility to be better stewards of their wealth,” Walker added.

Michèle Desjardins, MontrealMichèle Desjardins is a Certified Management Consultant and a chartered administrator. She is presidentof Koby Consulting, Inc, and has extensive consulting and executive experience. She is also a seniorassociate of Lansberg Gersick & Associates, a consulting firm specializing in family enterprises. She hasconsulted internationally to family-owned or controlled enterprises on issues such as governance policiesand structures, succession and leadership development, coaching for executives and successors, andshareholder development.

“TIGER 21 has extraordinary resources, has developed a very high quality network of speakers andhas now grown into a highly professional North American organization. Montreal has a large pool ofentrepreneurs that have gone through major liquidity events in the last decade and who are now lookingfor this kind peer group where they can learn and share their concerns about wealth management withother very successful and thoughtful wealth stewards,” explained Desjardins. “My hope is that our TIGER21 group will reflect Montreal’s diversity, not only culturally, but also in terms of expertise, industry, ageand gender.”

“The response to TIGER 21 in Canada has been tremendous. The quality of TIGER 21’s Membershipacross North America and the unique connections it builds between Members has allowed us to attractexpert presenters and a number of best-in-class strategic partners to enhance the Member experience,”said Richard Deacon, Director of Strategic Partnerships for TIGER 21.

TIGER 21 creates a highly confidential, safe environment for Members to explore critical issues affectingtheir lives. Through regular monthly meetings as well as through exchanges on a private Members-Onlywebsite, TIGER 21 Members share their knowledge and experiences, and help each other wrestle withissues relating to finance, investments, managers and advisors. An important part of the curriculumfocuses on estate planning, family (particularly issues of wealth and children), health, and issues ofcommunal involvement. TIGER 21’s Presenter Program complements each meeting by providing accessto top finance experts that often introduce Members to a variety of investment opportunities, as well asexperts that focus on other issues.

With the access provided to some of Canada’s most successful high net worth investors that are nowMembers of TIGER 21, the Canadian groups have already attracted a number of notable expertson financial topics and other wealth-related issues. Among the recent presenters have been LarryOhlhauser, President and CEO of Ohlhauser & Associates, who spoke on empowering individuals to takeresponsibility for their own health; Gerald Connor, Chairman and CEO at Cumberland Private Wealth,on global markets; David Picton of Picton Mahony, and Stephen King of Alaris Royalty. The roster ofworld-class presenters is continuing to grow with upcoming presentations by Barry Allan, foundingpartner of Marret Asset Management Inc., who will speak on fixed income investment, and BlakeBromley, of Benefic, speaking on using philanthropy in estate planning, as well as senior managers withPIMCO on fixed income investing, and some of Deloitte’s senior partners on tax trends.

“I’ve personally attended several Canadian group meetings and was immediately impressed with thevariety of professional and personal backgrounds of the Members, their entrepreneurial spirit, and thekind of desire for intellectual challenge in a confidential setting that drives our best experiences acrossNorth America,” said TIGER 21 founder Michael Sonnenfeldt. “Thane and Richard have done a reallywonderful job of replicating the knowledge platform established in the US over the last 12 years. Ournew Canadian Members are in for a terrific experience, and their addition to the TIGER 21 roster willnow also provide our existing Members with access to the insights and experience of their Canadiancounterparts.”

“I am extremely pleased with the quick progress we have made in Canada, as there appears to havebeen some pent up demand for the learning experience TIGER 21 provides its Members,” said TIGER21 president Jonathan Kempner. “Thane and Richard immediately grasped the concept of collectiveintelligence and set up a program that would work in Canada. Each new Canadian Member adds to thevalue of our Member network where our US Members will now benefit through the best-of-breed ideasand investment strategies that our Canadian counterparts bring to meetings and our online forum. Infact, we had several Canadian Members at our first annual North American Member conference this pastJanuary and already have reservations for a majority of Canadian Members to attend our next annualconference.”

To find out more about the TIGER 21 experience, visit the website www.tiger21.com/Canada or link tothis fact sheet: https://tiger21.com/docs/FactSheetCanada.pdf

About TIGER 21:TIGER 21 (The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21st Century) is North America’s premierpeer-to-peer learning network for high net worth investors. TIGER 21 has more than 180 Members whocollectively manage approximately $15 billion in investable assets and have been entrepreneurs, inventorsand top executives. TIGER 21 focuses on improving investment acumen as well as exploring common issuesof wealth preservation, estate planning and family dynamics beyond finance. Founded in 1999, TIGER 21is headquartered in New York City and has US-based groups in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco,San Diego, Miami, Washington, DC, and Dallas. Its exclusive Canadian groups are located in Vancouver,Toronto, Calgary and Montreal. More information can be found at www.tiger21.com.

Nancy Block ReidDirector of MembershipTel: (212) 584-0226Nancy.Reid@tiger21.com

Thane StennerManaging Director andFounding Member, CanadaTel: (604) 678-3640Thane.Stenner@tiger21.com

Martine CunliffeCanadian MembershipsTel: (604) 678-3641Martine.Cunliffe@tiger21.com

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.

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