TIGER 21 Establishes Group in Washington DC



Published On

June 5, 2014

Published In

Press Release

TIGER 21 Establishes Group in Washington DCPeer-to-peer learning network taps into capital’s diverse wealth base; Members include entrepreneursfrom manufacturing, telecom, Internet and real estate as well as investment professionals and even ascientist; Second group being planned

Washington, DC (October 3, 2011) ‚Äì Leading peer-to-peer learning network for high net worth investorsTIGER 21 has tapped into the wealth of the nation’s capital with one group up and running and a second beingplanned. TIGER 21 is expanding its successful model of collective intelligence for the super-affluent, who meetmonthly to exchange investment ideas and share personal experiences on a broad range of wealth-related issues.

Founded in 1999, TIGER 21, an acronym for The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21st Century,now has more than 180 members across North America, representing nearly $15 billion of combined investableassets. Other groups meet in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, and Dallas, as wellas Canadian groups in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, and Calgary. In addition to examining wealth issuesand investment decisions, the group also marshals member investments in private equity, hedge funds andindividual deal opportunities leveraging TIGER 21’s world-class connections.

Leading the Washington groups is Cal Simmons, a successful business executive, venture capitalist and angelinvestor. Simmons has co-founded and manages three early-stage venture funds, including The E-Media Club,The Dinner Club, and The Washington Dinner Club, with more than $40 million in investments spread acrossa portfolio of 20 primarily high-tech companies. He was also the founding investor in three companies thathave gone public, returning significant multiples to early investors. He is a former chair for The DC chapter ofYoung Presidents Organization (YPO) and is currently the chairman of the Virginia Tourism Corporation -appointed and reappointed by two Governors. In 2001, Simmons co-authored the highly acclaimed investmentguide Every Business Needs an Angel, published by Random House/Crown Business.

“We are extremely pleased to have Cal on board to chair our new Washington groups. He has not onlydemonstrated outstanding leadership and facilitating skills in his previous endeavors, but he has bona fideinvesting experience, which will help him relate to our members. This experience will be invaluable as he guidesdiscussion among our members and expands our DC footprint,” said Michael Sonnenfeldt, founder andchairman of TIGER 21.

“I am thrilled to be part of TIGER 21’s entry into Washington, DC. I’ve been involved with the businesscommunity here for decades and know many entrepreneurs and executives who can benefit from the TIGER21 experience. There are many fine educational and networking clubs in DC, but none that offer high net worthindividuals the opportunity to exchange best-of-breed ideas and investment strategies on the opportunities,challenges and responsibilities of wealth. I see our members benefiting from each others’ insights as well as thesharing of investment prospects,” said Simmons.

TIGER 21’s first Washington group is comprised of professionals from several different industries,including manufacturing, telecom, Internet, real estate, investment, and science.

“We currently have members in Washington from six different industry sectors, who range in age from themid-30s to early 70s. This broad mix of people and experience contributes to the powerful exchange of ideasthat has made TIGER 21 the success that it is today,” said Jonathan Kempner, president of TIGER 21 and amember of the first Washington DC group.Indeed, part of the TIGER 21 premise is that becoming a smarter investor is a lifelong learning process.Members are continually helping one another challenge conventional assumptions about investment choicesand the financial environment. “This give and take is reinforced because members know they are gettinghonest and credible advice on wealth preservation from their peers in a confidential environment that is freefrom promotion,” added Kempner.

TIGER 21 meetings consist of several distinct sessions, each designed to broaden members’ knowledge ofinvesting and to show how world events and personal issues can impact investment portfolios. In the lastseveral years, TIGER 21 has also created a powerful, members-only intranet site so that members can callupon any TIGER 21 member, no matter what group they are in — looking for investment opportunities, toseek guidance on stocks or funds or even request doctor referrals. Members know that no matter where theyare, they can have frank discussions on almost any issue of interest to high net worth individuals.

“There is no substitute for the intensive day-long sessions that our members attend each month, buttechnology has made it possible for members far and wide to correspond on significant matters. The additionof groups in Washington DC, is a boon to all TIGER 21 groups. Now a member in Dallas or Los Angelesor from any of our cities across North America can exchange ideas and opportunities with someone inWashington,” said Sonnenfeldt.

Another benefit of TIGER 21 membership is the access to leading financial experts. Some of the country’smost renowned financial writers, private equity investors, portfolio managers, and hedge fund principalsregularly make presentations on a broad host of investment issues, including potential opportunities for wellvettedinvestments. Past presenters have included William Ackman of Pershing Capital Management, IzzyEnglander of Millennium Management LLC, Renaissance Capital founder James Simons, cofounder ofBlackstone Group Stephen Schwarzman, David Rubenstein of the Carlyle Group, T. Boone Pickens,and Carl Icahn, among a host of other investment industry luminaries. For a full list of TIGER 21 presenters,see www.tiger21.com/aboutpresenters.aspx

TIGER 21 also holds an annual conference where members from across North America gather for in-depthdiscussions on the latest finance and investment-related news and to hear presentations from A-list speakers.This year’s conference was held at The Breakers in Palm Beach, FL, and included the likes of Sam Zell,Wilbur Ross, Leon Black, Newt Gingrich interviewed by Greta Van Susteren, Richard Gephardt,Charles Bronfman, and Ted Koppel. The 2012 Annual Conference will beheld in Scottsdale Arizona fromFebruary 1st to 3rd.

About TIGER 21:TIGER 21 (The Investment Group for Enhanced Results in the 21st Century) is North America’s premier peerto-peer learning network for high net worth investors. TIGER 21 has 180 Members who collectively manageover $15 billion in investable assets and have been entrepreneurs, inventors and top executives. TIGER 21focuses on improving investment acumen as well as exploring common issues of wealth preservation, estateplanning and family dynamics beyond finance. Founded in 1999, TIGER 21 is headquartered in New YorkCity and has groups in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, Washington, DC, and Dallas,as well as Canadian groups in Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary and Montreal. More information can be found atwww.tiger21.com.

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.

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