Luck in Entrepreneurial Success | Fortune Article Features TIGER 21 Founder



Published On

July 13, 2022

Not every entrepreneur appreciates why they were successful, because for every person who has a plan, there’s always luck that plays a role too.

Michael Sonnenfeldt, TIGER 21 Founder & Chairman

TIGER 21 Founder and Chairman Michael Sonnenfeldt was recently quoted from his interview in the My First Million podcast on how much luck contributes to entrepreneurial success in this Fortune article by Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba.  

So, as the Fortune article asks, “Are billionaires just lucky?” In addition to the luck factor contributing to success, Michael’s podcast interview with Sam Parr dives deeper into the difference between being a prosperous entrepreneur or business owner and a strategic investor, and intellectual challenges that those who have sold a business can face when making investment decisions. Michael goes on to discuss some expectations and realizations of a liquidity event, the psychology behind wealth creation and preservation, generational differences in entrepreneurship and other topics that TIGER 21 Members regularly address in monthly Group Meetings. 

He also discusses TIGER 21 Member asset allocation trends, investment risks and market volatility, and the 2% rule of spending. To hear more from Michael Sonnenfeldt, including stories from his early business endeavors and the inspiration behind forming TIGER 21, listen to the full podcast here

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