Insights from First Virtual TIGER 21 Conference: @Home Summit

On May 20 and 21, TIGER 21 held its first all-virtual two-day event, @Home Summit: New World Opportunities. The @Home Summit was attended by high-net-worth wealth creators with more than 600 attendees from the US, Canada, and Europe with a mission to learn from one another as well as top leaders and experts from a variety of disciplines.
Keynote Speakers Included:
- Thomas Friedman, New York Times foreign affairs columnist and three-time Pulitzer Prize winner kicked off the Summit with a discussion on the biggest trends shaping the world today, including the impact of COVID-19, the US-China relationship, and the future of globalization.
- David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman of The Carlyle Group, one of the world’s largest and most successful private investment firms managing $217 billion, addressed the implications of the pandemic, the future of the private equity market, and potential investment opportunities in healthcare and other areas.
- Sam Zell, legendary real estate investor and Founder and Chairman of Equity Group Investments addressed the real estate market and other investment opportunities in today’s economy.
“The launch of our first virtual conference offers our Members an exclusive chance to gather online to understand and discuss the challenges and opportunities in this new world,” said Michael Sonnenfeldt, Founder and Chairman of TIGER 21. “It was truly extraordinary to be able to shift back and forth from world-class speakers addressing our entire community to dozens of breakout sessions where 10-20 Members from across the globe could deliberate and dissect the possibilities and risks embedded in the keynote presentations. This new form of peer learning is one of the hidden benefits we have only recently begun to explore and the potential for our Members is simply amazing.”
The event provided more than 775 TIGER 21 Members with a unique opportunity to glean insights from prominent experts on topics ranging from geopolitical concerns to market opportunities resulting from today’s pandemic while offering an unparalleled opportunity for Members across the globe to share ideas with each other.
About TIGER 21
TIGER 21 is an exclusive global community of ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs, investors, and executives.
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